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Income reports from my online business plus progress on my debt free journey.

I started this blog as a hobby over eight years ago on a super low budget. I’ve managed to keep my blogging expenses low and four years ago I started earning a full-time income from the blog. In this post, I’ll share my strategy for how to start a successful blog on a shoestring budget, …

Read More about How To Start A Successful Blog For $5 Per Month

Blogging is such a great gig because you get to help solve people’s problems, build a community, and make money in the process! Many bloggers who I follow and admire are transparent about their income. I periodically share an income report here at The Frugal South in an effort to be transparent as well, and …

Read More about Blogging Goals + Income Report For July 2017

There is tremendous pressure in our culture to live beyond one’s means. Overspending on everything from phones to homes seems to be the norm. Those of us dedicated to living within a budget and not succumbing to societal pressure to overspend definitely need some cheerleaders! So I’ve decided to share inspiring stories of folks who have …

Read More about “It’s so nice to have the money already on hand when those bills come!”

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